This book meme is hosted by Yvonne: book bloggers share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book you are reading or thinking about reading soon. This week’s excerpt is from A Curse so Dark and Lonely. 

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First Chapter:

“There is blood under my fingernails. I wonder how many of my people I’ve killed this time.
I thrust my hands into the barrel beside the stables. The ice-cold water bites at my skin, but the blood clings. I shouldn’t bother, because it will all be gone in an hour anyway, but I hate this. The blood. The not knowing.”

I’ve been post-poning this read for a week now. I don’t want to be disappointed, and frankly, I want something that is quick to read. I think I’d end up reading this slowly– the writing sounds amazing!



What do you think? Would you keep reading? 

16 responses to “First Chapter, First Paragraph: A Curse So Dark and Lonely”

  1. I actually just finished this. I had super low expectations because I have been super slumpy lately but I’m also not a huge fan of romance plots. But this book surprised me and grabbed my attention really quickly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Do you have a review!? I’d love to read it! Romance is my all time favourite (and essential) feature in my reading explorations. I just don’t want to have a dear ol’ trope, Beauty and the Beast, ruined!


      1. I dont have my review live just yet but I will soon. I think it was a brilliant way to retell beauty and the beast! Felt original yet familiar and was so much better than I thought. It was a solid 4 star for me and one of very few books that have captivated me in this terrible slump.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I predict this will be a 4 star read for me too! I look forward to your review.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I am on the hunt for a five star read but they seem to be so few lately!

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            1. If you don’t mind YA dystopia + feminism, read the Grace Year! That was my latest 5 star ❤️


              1. Ahhh I read that when it came out. I gave it 5 stars too. Lol

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  2. Ohh creepy for sure; hope you enjoy it.

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  3. I love the cover and the opening makes me curious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The cover is to die for! I am very impressed by Bloomsbury’s choices 😀


  4. I find the title and opening paragraph compelling. I’d definitely read on.

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  5. I really liked this one – I hope you do too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Paige! The pressure and expectations are on


  6. Great teasers! Sounds like a good read!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes, yes, yes and yes please. I would turn that page, and then the next until it was finished. Not sure if I would call it a slow read…


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