I am certain I will make this into a series, since I have plenty of guilt as a reader. Maybe you’ll agree with me? This will include some of my unpopular opinions, but I don’t mean to offend anybody!

Unlike most people I encounter on the web; I don’t really like Hardbacks. 


My mum says I have “child-like hands”. And it’s true– they’re tiny. I hate that phones keep getting bigger. I can barely hold anything! Also, I find it really uncomfortable how high-maintenance hardback covered books are. I feel there’s some huge pressure to keep them looking new, even if I want to crack the spine!


I count DNF’s to my reading challenge


I know. Feel free to discredit my reading achievements now. But for me, I take time looking into the story, the author and the background of the book. I usually press myself to read to 50%, too. So it’s not like I read one sentence to an unknowing book, and decide to give up (even if I wanted to: who are you to judge me for it???).


I use some… ahem… illegal methods to obtaining books


I know. I’d say “sue me” but there’s obviously a money problem already, okay? Lay off . I support libraries and independent book stores! I like to use vk, ePubbud and iBook Pile. I rarely do it anymore. The last time I did it, I downloaded as many of the books I already own for my Kindle, so I could travel without them (Last December!) …..


I hate Harry Potter (but love Twilight)


Okay, I know I’m going to be unfollowed by a few for this one. Trust me, I gave HP a chance! I just couldn’t go on after book 5. Harry is the worst. IMO.


I’m a huge fan of fantasy, but I hate dragons


I’ve said this to everybody I know in real life, and I’ll say it again. Did you guys ever have those weird kids in later-primary (/elementary) school who pretended they were animals? And even when an adult or fellow peer wanted to speak to them… normally… they would keep meowing on the floor or something rather odd??? At least in my school, there were kids like that. And they took Yu-Gi-Oh waaaay too seriously. But worst of all; they were always obsessed with all-things-dragon. Ugh. 


And finally…

I didn’t read City of Bones until I had read the sequels to the Mortal Instruments!

I watched the movie (as well as Vampire Academy, except for that series, I actually read book 1) and decided I needed to know what happens next. And I was hooked. Flash forward four years later and I don’t really regret it. Also, don’t worry: I have read every Shadowhunter book at least twice (some, even four+ times). I’m not a fake fan, PLEASE believe me!!!


Were you shocked by any of my answers? Does anybody agree with me? DON’T LET ME BE ALONE IN THIS, PEOPLE.

20 responses to “Bookish Confessions #1”

  1. I generally like paperback better because they’re much lighter and easier to carry around, but for thicker books, I like hardcover. Which is weird, because they’re even heavier and harder to carry around than average hardcover books, but thicker paperback books don’t lie flat.
    I also really like to crack the spines.
    I don’t know why.


    1. Larger books in hardback are easier to hold! I forgot about that– I hate wrestling with big paperbacks, the cramps I get in my hand is awful haha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s like large paperbacks don’t want you to read them.


  2. oh my gosh I feel you. books are expensive and tracking down books from the library system takes gas, time, and patience, all of which I possess in minimal amounts.

    hence the use of sketchy websites i.e. freevampirenovels (which has a very large selection of non vampire novels) or readbooksonlinefree or books4u.com or whatever they’re called (downside: sketchy ads i.e. hot Russian girls in your area *pukes* ; celebrities most known for their body parts (look I don’t need to see kim k’s butt pls stahp))


    1. Does your library have an online catalogue? I get to search any books via home and they’ll send them to whatever library I want to collect from.

      Ooh thanks for the links! I have read from the latter two (love my sexy Russian girls in my area, too) but I haven’t read from freevampirenovels– I’ll surely check it out!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. yes! it does but i’m too lazy to drive over there 🙈 we also have the ebook library but there isn’t a large selection


  3. The first three are me…omg and the Stephen A. gif had me laughing like crazy. Such a fun and unique post, too!


    1. I need to edit my post– I’m rereading HP and don’t hate it at all like I did the first time I read it.

      THanks for enjoying this post, I’m pleasantly surprised by this feedback! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haven’t read HP yet, but I’m planning on it next year hopefully. You’re welcome and that’s awesome, I always worry about that too lol


  4. lol…okay, let’s see…
    hardbacks…a fellow book lover and I were just talking about this; nothing to do with hand size but, seriously, what’s the appeal?
    DNFs? did not finish?…*rings GoT bell* shame shame shame lol
    re collecting books…no comment
    re Harry Potter and Twilight… not a fan of either, really though HP seems more interesting (and I actually like vampire fic)
    Don’t have strong opinions on dragons….but the ones on GoT are pretty cool
    last one… *shrug* ?
    Okay so we only seem to agree on the first one, but I enjoyed reading your rant.


    1. Hahaha thanks for your answers. My confessions are pretty specific, so I don’t blame you for not identifying with most.

      Haha shame! shame! shame! Indeed 😛


  5. Cait @ Paper Fury Avatar
    Cait @ Paper Fury

    Oooh you are brave saying you don’t like HP. 😉 haha. I don’t adore it quite to the extent of everyone else, but I do still love it! And I’m obsessed with sorting things into Houses haah. And we’ll have to agree to disagree on the glory of dragons.😂 But omg my pOOR HANDS WITH HARDCOVERS TOO. I love love love them for how they look and collecting them, but they are harder to curl up with. And if I DNF I count it to my challenges too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m rereading HP (via audiobook) and I like it… much MUCH more this time. So my snobby little ass needs to stfu. This tends to happen when I reread things– my reviews of rereads go back and annotate every stupid comment I made when I was younger. Ughhhh fetus reviews!

      Hardbacks are super hot, but like you said– curling up with them is impossible!


  6. What a courageous girl you are, confessing sins left and right….LOL..Very funny and honest rant, I don’t like or dislike hardbacks, I do most of my reading on my tablet so I guess that what I’m partial to is E-books. I love Dragons so, sorry?? and I’m with you on Harry Potter, I haven’t even read the books and I don’t think I’m going to…It doesn’t interest me…


    1. I loooove my Kindle! I forgot to add that one. I’ll save it for the next confessions, which I’m sure I’ll have 😛

      Liked by 1 person



    1. Oop I’m now embarrassed such a hard core fan has seen my SH sin… haha thanks for not judging! ❤️🙏🏻

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahaha that’s okay 😂 as long as you love shadowhunters, we’re all good😂❤️


        1. Oh yes– I was particularly obsessed for all of 2015 and half of 2016, but I’ve cooled down haha. I’m going to reread all of Cassie’s books soon :3

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